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It's Not Baby Killing If It Makes Me Feel Good

Ah, the fight for social justice. It's never an easy one, is it? We brave warriors must always be combatting people who bring up old fashioned ideas like not just letting anyone into the country, not inciting violence, and oh! The kind of people who want to impeach a woman's God-given right to murder a child up to term. However, we have reached a turning point on that last example of country hick foolery. In New York, Andrew Cuomo & Co. (Hold your applause. I know it's not easy, but there's more!) have passed a new law. That's right everybody, the Reproductive Health Care Act now guarantees your right to abort a child up to term for any reason at all! Cue the applause. Now, I know there are probably still some concerns about the wording of this bill. I mean, any reason? Are we really so blessed as to be able to abort a child for any reason at all up to the day of birth? Well, my friend, worry no longer. We really are. The new law guarantees the right to an ab

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