Femme Fatale or Femme Fatal?

Point 1 to DC ladies and gentlemen. Not!
DC has obviously made a huge mistake with Wonder Woman, as I'm sure they are realizing while they rake in millions. Will Marvel make the same mistake though? It remains to be seen.
Some would argue that a Black Widow movie isn't really necessary. They would be completely right of course. While the 3 different Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor movies, as well as the 2 different Hulk movies, were completely essential to the storyline, we definitely don't need movies for the remaining two Avengers. Who would want something like that?
I guess we should all be happy that Marvel is giving us a Captain Marvel movie, right? That's foolhardy enough, releasing a movie with a female lead, but releasing a movie with a female lead that's already popular with moviegoers would clearly be a mistake. Nobody would go to see it except the thousands of Black Widow fans!
Here's where things start going downhill. Marvel has admitted to actually considering putting a Black Widow movie into production! I would post a link to the trailer, but there isn't one because Marvel's totally not sexist and/or just super unconfident in the talented Scarlet Johansson. You see, though they talk the talk, Marvel wisely has yet to walk the walk. The excuse, of course, is the current production of Infinity War. We all know the real reason though.
Clearly, as Wonder Woman has evidenced, a superhero movie with a female lead would just flop. Marvel is venturing out with the as-of-yet unreleased Captain Marvel movie, but can you imagine the colossal failure a Black Widow movie would be? Let's just try and envision it for a moment.
First things first, we have to take into consideration that Black Widow has a super lame backstory. There's the whole part where she's actually been alive since WWII and was trained by the Winter Soldier (A.K.A, Bucky Barnes, a pivotal character in the last Marvel movie) along with all the other girls in the mysterious Red Room referenced in the short-lived Agent Carter series. Then, of course, there are the numerous genetic modifications that have happened to allow her to live this long and stay in prime shape, and the many different solo storylines the character has.
Ignoring all of that though, we have to realize that it would be a huge mistake for Marvel to make a Black Widow movie for one significant reason. Black Widow just doesn't have that much personality.
In the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie, the most emotion they were able to suck out of her was some tragic backstory about how she isn't able to have kids. Now, that was a huge hit of course, just like her beloved relationship with the Hulk that started in that movie. Fans didn't hate that at all.
Black Widow has only shown emotions like sarcasm and seriousness and wit and a plethora of other fun characteristics that fans have been lapping up. Super lame! For Marvel to even consider releasing a movie about her when they have movies about much more important, definitely not obscure characters like Black Panther in the works after he's been in the cinematic universe for all of .5 seconds seems ridiculous. Just the very thought of a Black Widow movie is deplorable.
-Little Miss Deplorable
Sources: Scarlett Johansson Updates the Black Widow Movie Status | ColliderMarvel Black Widow Solo Movie Coming After Avengers: Infinity War | moviepilot.comBlack Widow: Marvel is planning a standalone movie | Den of Geek12 Things You Didn’t Know About Black Widow | Screen Rant


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