James Cameron Wonders at Wonder Woman

It would appear that, despite the significant advancement in the portrayal of women that Wonder Woman represents, some people still aren't satisfied. No, it's not feminists this time. It's James Cameron, director of hit movies such as Avatar (not The Last Airbender, don't get confused folks) and Titanic.
Cameron, in a few recent interviews, has pointed out inadequacies he has seen in the new movie, all in the name of advancing Hollywood and women's rights. Naturally, he's right in everything he said, because he's a man and knows everything about what women want to see in movies. So, let's take a look at all of his perfectly correct points.
Firstly, in an interview with The Guardian, he said Wonder Woman was "an objectified icon." Now, I can't argue with that. In fact, he backs up his own point in another interview with The Hollywood Reporter, saying that "I mean, she was Miss Israel, and she was wearing a kind of bustier costume that was very form-fitting." If that isn't objectification, I don't know what is! You heard it here first folks. If you're pretty and in good shape, you can't represent women.
Let's take a step back for a moment though and actually consider the obvious complete impracticality of Gal Gadot's costume, and her status as Miss Israel.
First, let's take a look at the offending "bustier costume that was very form-fitting." Well, you know, old James is absolutely right here. What do you know, the costume is formfitting! And it's not like it also happens to be completely modest, in fact being more modest than most modern day bathing suits. It covers Gadot's breasts quite nicely, unlike previous Wonder Woman costumes, and the slight skirt setup she has going on leaves everything to the imagination. On top of all that, the costume is highly practical for fighting, form-fitting so as not to get in Diana's way when she fights, similar to most male costumes (think Captain America's spandex or Superman's infamous tights), and it leaves her legs open to kick and run. However, her legs don't remain undefended, since those thigh boots she's wearing have a deeper function than just making her look sexy. If you look closely, you might actually notice that said boots are quite armored, offering protection for her legs. And those pretty bracelets? Fun fact that most people forget. Canonically, in the comics, those are actually forged from Athena's shield. The more you know! But James Cameron is absolutely right. The only purpose of Gadot's costume is to sexualize her, of course!
Next, let's look at Cameron's second point here. Gal Gadot was Miss Israel, once upon a time. What the uneducated and uncultured don't know is that you can't actually be pretty and tough. That's why Cameron neglected to mention that Gadot also served in the Israeli army, and probably part of the reason she's in such good shape is that she was busy kicking butt, much like Wonder Woman. But you know, he's right. You can't be beautiful and count as a legitimate representation of women! That's just ridiculous.
And of course, we can't forget how Cameron pointed out that for him, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman just wasn't tough enough. He compared her to Sarah Conner, the Terminator character played by Linda Hamilton, saying about Conner, "There was nothing sexual about her character. It was about angst, it was about will, it was about determination." I guess if you're not as tough and closed off as so many male characters have been, you can't be a legitimate character. So basically, don't be emotionally vulnerable, because that might make you seem too real! It would put ideas in people's heads, like the crazy notion that women can feel things and still get stuff done and be heroes!
I think Cameron summed it up best when he said, "...to me, it's a step backwards." He's absolutely right, naturally. If women can be portrayed in movies as pretty, capable, intelligent, independent, and practical, then what kind of world are we living in? A deplorable one, that's what.
-Little Miss Deplorable
Sources:Lynda Carter calls out James Cameron over 'Wonder Woman' - CNNLynda Carter Tells 'Poor Soul' James Cameron To Stop Dissing 'Wonder Woman' | HuffPostLynda Carter slams James Cameron for his 'Wonder Woman’ criticism - NY Daily News,(507) WONDER WOMAN – Rise of the Warrior [Official Final Trailer] - YouTubeWonder Woman: Bracelets Of Submission Trivia | Screen Rant


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