Billionaires and Crime and Vigilantes, Oh My!

Mistah J!
Sorry folks, same story, wrong show.
WARNING: Major spoilers ahead for you Gotham fans if you're not up-to-date on the latest episodes.
Alright, so, call me crazy, but it seems to me that Bruce Wayne is getting the short end of the stick here. First of all, he's a teenager so you would think that would suck enough. He's got all these normal teenager problems like a girlfriend who's maybe not his girlfriend and leaves him in an almost constant state of confusion, a pesky Butler to try and keep him in line and keep him from making too many stupid decisions, oh, and the whole dead parents thing too.
Apparently, though, that wasn't enough. There was also the numerous kidnappings, the struggling with his own morality, the brainwashing and severe mental conditioning thanks to yet ANOTHER one of the total psychos that has chosen Gotham as their home, and a few other less than typical problems as well. So you would think next season Bruce would be taking a bit of a break, trying to figure out exactly what the heck is going on around him, right?
Well, you're absolutely right if that's what you thought. Bruce is ready and raring for some R&R! In between taking down villains and working on that new Batman costume prototype, all of which are totally normal ways of coping with recent events.
Man, don't you just love it when they put character development on the fast-track and speed on by significant events? It's like one of those time-skip videos they show you in science class where whatever's happening is accelerated by roughly a million. Everyone likes to spend their free time watching those on Fox.
I was naturally delighted when I found out that, rather than taking his time and easing into his new role as a vigilante, Bruce was just going to rush head-on into it. If nothing else, at least he appears to be staying in character. I don't know what everyone's talking about when they say he's an unusual teenage boy. The leaping without looking thing seems to be the farthest he's ever gotten from complete teen boy normalcy.
Clearly, it was time for this change. Fans were getting worried that David Mazouz' Bruce Wayne was actually going to get a high-quality, slow burn character arc. The evidence is all there, really.
Season 1 was a tough time for the Gothamites. The crazier villains were only just beginning to poke their heads above ground, and can you believe that there weren't any already established Batman villains running around in this prequel? Weirdly, it was mostly about the mob life of Gotham, which everyone knows isn't a key part of the crime Batman deals with later in the series. It's all glamour villains all the time. What must it be like to live in a city where a nuclear bomb threatens to go off every week and every one of your criminals is certifiably insane with killer green hair?
In the first season, Bruce's biggest problem seems to be that he's suddenly become an orphan. Come on dude, don't you know that the second your parents die you're supposed to don that cape and cowl and become the Dark Knight? You can take a Rosetta Stone crash course for the dozen or so languages you learn to speak, and you can become an expert in martial arts as you go. No?
Moving into season 2, Bruce does become a little more mature and a little more solemn, but he's a thirteen-year-old kid, so broody only gets him so far. He's still a total civilian, though he is bent on finding his parent's killer and avenging their deaths. Yeah, good luck with that buddy. This thing runs a lot deeper than you think.
So at this point, moving into season 3 with still no sign of the caped crusader, Gotham fans were beginning to lose hope. If he hadn't started dressing up as a bat and jumping off of buildings at age 14, when was he going to start, right? C'mon Bruce, you've had 3 years to learn a lifetime of skills, step up your game! What do you mean it takes time to become The Batman?
Season 4 trailers and posters have given Gotham fans new hope though, as Bruce appears to have finally decided to don...some sort of hood, we're not really sure what exactly it's made of or anything, but it's black and he wears it at night and that's all we need to know. Bruce has undergone a considerable amount of crap during season 3, having been conditioned to become the perfect warrior and obey every command courtesy of the Shaman, which involved hurting some loved ones and generally doing some serious damage to the poor kid's psyche. So clearly, he's now ready to jump into vigilantism, no recovery time needed.
I can't wait to see Bruce almost instantly evolve into Batman, lurking in the shadows and growling out deep threats. It's clearly long overdue, seeing as how the other characters around him seem to have the same thing happening to them. Heck, they might have to change the name of the show from Gotham to just plain Batman next season. What a prequel! If someone had told me that Batman was such a prominent figure in a story set before the creation of Batman, originally I would've questioned it, but now it all makes sense.
Assuming he's been studying every minute of every day ever since his parents died, not bothering to take any breaks for things like eating or sleeping, Bruce is finally ready to make that leap straight to superhero. So long as his voice doesn't crack while scolding villains, he should be golden. The only real crime in Gotham is that this storyline was delayed for things like character development and plot. That's truly deplorable.
-Little Miss Deplorable
Sources: 'Gotham' Season 4 Synopses Tease Bruce's Vigilantism & ArkhamBatman Emerges In Gotham Season 4 Promo Art | Screen RantHow Gotham Season 4 Sets Up Jim Gordon's Relationship With Bruce Wayne's Pre-Batman VigilanteBruce Wayne | Gotham Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia GOTHAM Season 4 TRAILER Comic Con (2017) Fox Series - YouTubeGOTHAM Season 4 TRAILER (2017) Fox Series - YouTube


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